Reading a book is one thing. Taking in that book, word by word and changing your life with it is another.
It’s time to take on Atomic Habits by James Clear chapter by chapter… Pulling apart the meaning, the life lessons and the potential to change this life of mine. Of yours.
Chapter by Chapter, we’ll pull apart this incredible book and change our lives. There will be snippets from the book, quotes of what was said, insights into my life – And quite likely yours too.
But, let’s start where all books start – At the Introduction.
James used his coping mechanisms to be even more successful and ‘powerful’.
Life was paused whilst he healed from a life changing head injury – Both mentally and physically.
“I was the one responsible for making it happen”. What do “I” want to make happen?!
Small habits are what make a difference.
Build good habits – Sleep habits first. (P.S. Bed on time and put that phone down!). Neat and tidy room. These givee confidence and control.
CAN I SAY “I fulfilled my potential?”’
The changes you make compound. Early moves make a big difference later on. Small changes build up – so stick at it.
“Quality of our lives depends on our habits”
He became the book before writing it… and this is why it’s powerful.
“I WANT to fulfill my potential”.
The backbone of the book is a 4 step model of habits – Cue, craving, response and reward. Let’s dive into these soon!
Read Chapter One – The Surprising Power of Atomic Habits