The British Cycling team sucked. So a guy was hired to improve them. His idea was a strategy of “aggregation of marginal gains”. Basically, it’s make everything 1% better, and you’ll get a big increase. But, they went further. They did ALL the things. From sleep and beds/pillows to changing the environment to keep the bikes running better.
Evenutally, they dominated and won cycling events. It wasn’t a big change… Just lots of 1 percents.
Try to make 1% improvements not life-shattering changes – These will make the long term difference.
1% better every day = 37x better in a year. 1% worse? = nearly 0.
Think through those things that you could improve 1% – Weight, writing, reading, tidying the house, mental health, loving on your kids, self-care, your job, your relationships, a language, saving money, reducing stress… What else?
Transformation is not overnight… It’s slow.
Are you 1% improving? Or 1% declining?
It’s ok if you aren’t successful NOW, but are your habits going to take you in the right direction?
Lagging measures mean the outcome will lag behind the habits. I.e. Weight is a lagging measure of your eating habits.
Find ways to let your brain automatically do things to reduce the number of decisions you need to make – This improves productivity. Automate old tasks and learn new skills.
Knowledge – “A commitment to lifelong learning is transformative”
Breakthrough moments are the result of PREVIOUS actions. What is the critical threshold for my habits… And can I hold out until I see it?
Thinking about times of the day when we have little energy or motivation… What can we do to improve these times? Find something I LOVE that is productive/self-care to do in them to not waste afternoons for instance? Do a project with my husband instead of blobbing with TV at night?
“Plateau of latent potential” – The potential for massive change is building up… But it’s HIDDEN right now! Keep on going.
When you break through the pleateau, it’ll look like an overnight success… But you KNOW it isn’t! Think about an earthquake. The pressure didn’t happen in that minute, it was just let go in that minute.
“The valley of disappointment” is the bit when the changes haven’t been seen, but you are expecting lineal (straight line) progress.
(My own inner thoughts… ) What would happen if I tidied the house daily. Woke up at 6am daily. Went to bed WITHOUT reading my phone for hours? What would happen if I did the dishes morning and night. Prepped dinner the night before. Planned my day in advance. Just DID the things I procrastinate on before they’ve built up for weeks.
The house would be tidy. I’d have more time awake and alert (and could read those things on the computer, not phone in bed!). I would have a tidy kitchen, where I could make dinner and breakfast without stress. I would have dinner ready – on time – and we’d eat healthier. I would not feel the weeks of stress of those procrastinated on things, but reap the benefits of doing them earlier. I would know what to do during the day without realising at the end of the day that I had missed important things.
More importantly – I wouldn’t lose time, I’d actually GAIN it.
Forget about Goals – Focus on Systems instead.
“Goals are about the results you want to achieve, systems are about the processes that lead to those results”.
What is my vague goal? Now, what systems will I use to get there?
Winners and losers have the same goals
Achieving a goal is only a momentary change! We need to change the SYSTEM not the result.
Goals restrict your happiness – Fall in love with the process not the results.
Goals recreate yo-yo results as they aren’t long term but momentary
“Commitment to the process will determine your progress”
You fall to the level of your systems.
Atomic habits are building blocks. 1% gains. Tiny bits that work together to create incredible change. They are small. Easy. Powerful.
If you missed the intro, check it out here
Read Chapter Two: How Your Habits Shape Your Identity (And Visa Versa)